Pukulan Cimande Pusaka - Fon Jerng

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Italian Knife

Combat Whip

Irish Stick

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Basic Animal Style Training DVDs


Animal Syllabi - $30.00

This video included the all of the animals in a syllabi format. This includes the Monkey, Tiger, Snake and the Crane.

Monkey Mannerisms - $30.00

This video covers the monyet or monkey mannerisms. Pendekar Sanders demonstrates the movements and special fighting techniques of each animal in detail so that the practitioner may learn the principles of each one. Methods of attack and defense are shown against various attack scenarios. Pendekar Sanders also covers the topic of animal possession and discusses the elements as they relate to each animal from the Circle of Creation.

Tiger Mannerisms - $30.00

This video covers the harimau and macan mannerisms. Pendekar Sanders demonstrates the movements and special fighting techniques of each animal in detail so that the practitioner may learn the principles of each one. Methods of attack and defense are shown against various attack scenarios. Pendekar Sanders also covers the topic of animal possession and discusses the elements as they relate to each animal from the Circle of Creation.

Crane Mannerisms- $30.00

This video covers the blekok mannerisms. Pendekar Sanders demonstrates the movements and special fighting techniques of each animal in detail so that the practitioner may learn the principles of each one. Methods of attack and defense are shown against various attack scenarios. Pendekar Sanders also covers the topic of animal possession and discusses the elements as they relate to each animal from the Circle of Creation.

Snake Mannerisms- $30.00

This video covers the ular senduk - cobra, and ular sawa - python mannerisms. Pendekar Sanders demonstrates the movements and special fighting techniques of each animal in detail so that the practitioner may learn the principles of each one. Methods of attack and defense are shown against various attack scenarios. Pendekar Sanders also covers the topic of animal possession and discusses the elements as they relate to each animal from the Circle of Creation.

Advanced Animal Style Training DVDs

Mas Jud Advanced Snake Seminar - $50.00

Two set DVD from the recent Russian Seminar on Advanced Mas Jud Snake techniques including the ground snake methods that have not been shown before. Various strikes and some of the advanced applications of the Mas Jud pattern are also taught for the first time. 

Ape Style - $40.00

Introductory combat applications of the Ape.

Lazy Crane Style - $30.00

Introductory combat applications of the Lazy Crane.

Leaping Tiger - $30.00

Introductory combat applications of the Leaping Tiger.

Flat Tiger, 98 Seminar - $30.00

Introductory combat applications of the Flat Tiger.

Mas Jud Lineage Monkey Jurus, Option 1 - $40.00

For the first time we are offering a video on the jurus of the monkey as done by Mas Jud and his living family members. The DVD includes all of the jurus and fighting applications. Everyone needs this as a portion of the complete monkey art we will be fleshing out this year. This is the Monyet of Mas Jud.

Mas Jud Lineage Monkey Jurus, Option 2 - $50.00

Double layer DVD with over two hours of  Mas Jud Monkey Jurus and Suliwa-Ilmu seminar

Off-Balanced Monkey 2 DVD 2 hours Cost $55.00

2011 Russian Seminar on the Off Balanced Monkey

Advanced Fighting Techniques, Python - $30.00

This video covers the deadly python - ular sawa system, advanced kicks and sweeps, fighting multiple opponents, lock escapes, and more. 

Raja Naga - $30.00

This video is only for certified instructors or students training in the distance program for the rank of Guru in the art. It presents the techniques of the Raja Naga. As such it combines all of the animal mannerisms and is a truly unique video. Send an email for purchase.